[ic] Proposed Route patch

Josh Lavin jlavin at endpoint.com
Fri Dec 23 16:28:41 UTC 2016

It seems that the long-standing comment about the 'main' Route in
catalog.cfg is wrong:

    ## This route emails the order to you unless email is set to "", and
    ## failsafe-logs the order report a couple of places

If you follow those instructions, then you see an error:

    > Empty order routing main_entry (and not explicitly empty).
    > Either attach or email are required in the route setting.

Kevin's docs are correct in this area:
"Note that either attach, email or empty must be set for a route."

If you blank out 'email', but also set either 'attach' or 'empty' to 1,
then customer orders never show a receipt page, nor clear the cart, yet
an order is accepted.

I followed the rabbit, and this ocurrs as $status is returned by
route_order() and is necessary to show the receipt and clear the cart.
Yet, $status is only set if emails are sent.

The following patch fixes it, and corrects the documentation:


Does anyone know if setting $status to true when no emails are sent is a
problem? Routing is an odd beast, but this seems to work fine in my

Josh Lavin
End Point Corporation

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