[ic] Some questions in order of system integration

David Christensen david at endpoint.com
Mon Nov 5 15:20:03 UTC 2018

Hi Ruben, 

> I’m doing some research on how to integrate orders from webshops built with your webshop CMS in our ERP system, Microsoft Dynamics NAV. In order of that I hope to get some questions answered. Hopefully you’re able to answer them or to forward this message to someone who can.
> Webshops built with your software: 
> 1.                  What data formats for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) messages are they able to export?

Tab-separated value/Excel exports are available by default.

> 2.                  How easily would the webshops be able to adapt to a specific EDI format?

Would be a Simple Matter Of Programming.  Just depends on the format required.  Data is stored natively in a database table (generally MySQL or PostgreSQL, but ultimately shop-specific), so exports can be written to transform from the native table format to whatever is required.

> 3.                  Do they support API integration?

You’d need to write adapters for specific APIs; we have written many API adapters depending on the need.

> a.       Do you offer API clients, libraries or SDK’s to help with the integration?

The code is pretty much what there is; depending on the type of integration you’re looking for there are some open-source extensions/tools available, plus a large body of work/experience that we’ve done already.

> 4.                  What programming language or/and framework are their back-end written in?

Primarily written in Perl.

David Christensen
End Point Corporation
david at endpoint.com

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