[ic] Value not updating

mihai at airdelights.com mihai at airdelights.com
Thu Nov 5 22:36:04 UTC 2020

Hello all,
I am having some trouble with a <select> HTML tag on one of my pages. I have a form that is supposed to get information from the <select> options before submitting.

<FORM ACTION="[area commerce]" METHOD="POST" name=payment>
<input type="hidden" name="cc_code" value="[value account_code]">
<select name=account_code tabindex="25001">
     <option value="">-</option>
     <option value=[card-param code] [if-card-param !token] disabled="disabled"[/if-card-param]>[card-param reference]</option>

[cards] in this instance refers to the list of cards resulting from a query based on the customer ID. 

My issue stems from the "account_code" value. From my understanding, the value of the <select> field should be updating based on which option is being selected. However, when I submit the form, the value being passed through "cc_code" is the value found on page load, not the one selected through the <option>. In other words, selecting an option does not change or update the value of "account_code" when submitting the form.

Am I trying to go about gathering this data value incorrectly? Am I missing something in the code in order to update this value?

Any help or pointers are appreciated. Thank you very much.

Mihai Dan
Air Delights

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