[ic] Order Routing - Checkout Process

mihai at airdelights.com mihai at airdelights.com
Mon Nov 30 16:55:18 UTC 2020

Hello all,

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and for those in the US, a great holiday.

I am trying to wrap my head around the Interchange checkout process, but am having a bit of trouble understanding how an order gets submitted. I have been consulting the Order Routing docs page (http://interchange.rtfm.info/icdocs/Order_routing.html), but cannot seem to figure out how it is implemented in our code. Our code for the "Place Order" button is the following:

	text="Place Order"
        [if type=explicit compare="$Scratch->{mv_order_number_prev} && !@$Items"]
            [bounce page=ord/receipt status="303 See Other"]

The checkout form action points to [process-target], where I'm assuming some of the order submission magic is taking place. 

1. What does the "mv_todo=submit" line accomplish? Is that what submits the order to be processed? 

2. What does the [bounce] tag do? It is not mentioned in the docs.

3. Where is the order routing initiated? If not in the code I provided above, is there place in specific I should be looking into?

Any help or guidance is much appreciated. Let me know if you'd like more details or if my questions completely missed the mark. Thank you for your time.
Mihai Dan
Air Delights, Inc.
1 (800) 440-5556

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