[ic] Email tag / MIME:Lite

Gert van der Spoel gert at 3edge.com
Tue Oct 6 10:44:51 UTC 2020

>>> As a standalone perl script the same code works fine on both servers, 
>>> just when ran thru IC (in a [perl] block in a page, as a UserTag or in 
>>> the test_code admin page) it hangs on the MIME::Lite->new() creation of 
>>> the object.

>>I suspect that this might be a Safe issue.  The first thing I would 
>>check is the SafeUntrap directive in interchange.cfg, make sure there 
>>isn't anything you've untrapped in the old catalog that isn't listed in 
>>the new one.

>>Also try calling the email tag from outside of the [perl] block, just 
>>with ITL.  If this works then it's very likely going to be Safe.

>>Other than that it could just be changes in perl, Safe issues are hard 
>>to track down and things sometimes go awry in newer versions of perl. 
>>There are others here who are likely better at dealing with Safe issues 
>>than I am, my preferred method is to rewrite code where necessary so 
>>it's outside of [perl] and [calc] blocks and get on with my day.


>There was a load of untrapped modules in the old catalog, I have added them to the new catalog and it still hangs in the same >place.

>I have also tried a plain page, with just the [email] tag in, so not wrapping it with [perl] or [calc], and again it hangs in the same >place until apache times out.

>I may have to write my own version of the [email] tag using a different  module than MIME::Lite, even the developer of >MIME::Lite recommends that. “MIME::Lite is not recommended by its current maintainer. There are a number of alternatives, >like Email::MIME or MIME::Entity and Email::Sender, which you should probably use instead. MIME::Lite continues to accrue >weird bug reports, and it is not receiving a large amount of refactoring due to the availability of better alternatives. Please >consider using something else.” – taken from his CPAN page.
>But I cannot believe that no-one else uses the IC [email] tag anymore?
>Can anyone confirm it working on their catalo, and which versions of perl/IC/MIME::Lite they have?
Hi Paul,

Would it work for you to try to see if sending mail works with email_raw tag?

Call it like:
[email-raw][include etc/my_template][/email-raw]

And then in 
etc/my_template have the mail, you can see the example for this here:



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