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Re: [mv] Could not tie to session: Permission denied

******    message to minivend-users from Eric Paul <epaul@spellbook.net>     ******

Check the ownership on all the files in your catalog directory.  Make sure 
they are either owned by you or minivend.  It sounds almost like your copy 
of minivend isn't running as minivend, but as the webserver (usually user 
nobody).  Check that out, and also check that your vlink/tlink are suid 


At 11:46 AM 1/21/00 , you wrote:
>******    message to minivend-users from ".cory.trese." 
><digital@specialty-books.com>     ******
>That is why I am so confused.  I run the expire commands from minivend 
>line) and minivend (cron) ("minivend" being the owner of the minivend
>installation) and get the same error message.
>I looked in the docs, and got the impression that this the Right Thing To Do.
>And now you verify it.  Can anyone think of another possible cause?
>Also, now many of my customers are getting Internal Server Errors (premature
>end of script headers) when the place an order.  Strange thing though, is that
>the report file is being mailed.  This is resulting in double orders for some
>students.  I'm really at a loss to explain what is going on.  Since the report
>is being mailed I would think that the cart would be cleared, but it's not,
>because they are able to resubmit the order again (and again, and again...)
>If someone would be so kind as to send me the permissions and files the use to
>track sessions in a working catalog (I assume everyone heeds the warnings in
>the catalog comments and sticks to the defaults) that I might be able to look
>at, for reference, I'd be much obliged.  Perhaps I missed something critical
>building all those templates :(
>On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> >******    message to minivend-users from Eric Paul 
> <epaul@spellbook.net>     ******
> >
> >I would guess that you are running expireall as the wrong user.  Make sure
> >that the user who owns minivend (usually minivend or mvend or something
> >like that) is the user who is running the cron job.
> >
> >Eric
> >
> >At 04:08 PM 1/20/00 , you wrote:
> >>******    message to minivend-users from ".cory.trese."
> >><digital@specialty-books.com>     ******
> >>
> >>When I run "expireall" or "expireall -r" I get an error:
> >>
> >>Could not tie to session: Permission denied
> >>
> >>about 1 time for each catalog.  I'm at a loss.  I've even gone so far as
> >>removing all the session.gdbm files myself, but that doesn't seem to help.
> >>
> >>Everything still appears to be working normally, but this bothers me, and I
> >>don't like getting mail from "cron" ;)
> >>
> >>Any ideas?
> >>
> >>Cory Trese
> >>
> >>email : digital@specialty-books.com
> >>fone : (740) 594 - 2274, ext 223
> >>phax : (740) 593 - 3045
> >>========================================
> >>Specialty Books,
> >>Athens Ohio, 45701
> >>www.specialty-books.com
> >>
> >>linux!
> >>-
> >>To unsubscribe from the list, DO NOT REPLY to this message.  Instead, send
> >>email with 'UNSUBSCRIBE minivend-users' in the body to 
> Majordomo@minivend.com.
> >>Archive of past messages: http://www.minivend.com/minivend/minivend-list
> >
> >---
> >Eric Paul
> >SpellBook Systems
> >http://www.spellbook.net
> >-
> >To unsubscribe from the list, DO NOT REPLY to this message.  Instead, send
> >email with 'UNSUBSCRIBE minivend-users' in the body to 
> Majordomo@minivend.com.
> >Archive of past messages: http://www.minivend.com/minivend/minivend-list
>Cory Trese
>email : digital@specialty-books.com
>fone : (740) 594 - 2274, ext 223
>phax : (740) 593 - 3045
>Specialty Books,
>Athens Ohio, 45701
>To unsubscribe from the list, DO NOT REPLY to this message.  Instead, send
>email with 'UNSUBSCRIBE minivend-users' in the body to Majordomo@minivend.com.
>Archive of past messages: http://www.minivend.com/minivend/minivend-list

Eric Paul
SpellBook Systems
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