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Re: [mv] RE: your email

******    message to minivend-users from Craig Oettle <craig_oettle@ecsinconline.com>     ******

Birgitt Funk wrote:
> ******    message to minivend-users from "Birgitt Funk" <birgitt@my-deja.com>     ******
> I am having a terrible connection. This is in
> response to Lin's and Ryan's and other's posts.
> MH had provided us space with the option to work on a documentation. The people who wanted to participate realized probably very quickly how tough that kind of work is. You might agree with me that quite obviously we didn't do the job.
> If you want to complain about the documentation of not being perfect and if you belong to either of the three groups,
> Group 1: You simply can't document MiniVend,  even if you wanted to, because you don't have enough knowledge and stamina.
> Group 2: You can document MiniVend, but you know
> how much it takes to do it and it is just too much to do for free and at the side.
> Group 3: You can document MiniVend, but you make
> a living being a MV or e-commerce consultant and don't want your hard earned expertise give away for free. You actually don't want more freely   available documentation.
> again, if you belong to one of those groups, then I think one should not complain at all.
> If point 2 and 3 applies to yourself, so would it apply to MH himself, so why expect something from him you yourself wouldn't want to give or can not give.
> If point 1 applies to you, then you need to stop complaining, because you haven't realized how much it takes to be someone in group 2 or 3.
> MV seems to remain a one-man development for most part, I assume. To me it was quite amazing that MH actually made the tough decision to risk  money and invest in a professionally made documentation, as he has announced on the list.
> I think we have nothing to complain about at all but be grateful that MH has apparently the thick skin and stamina to stay through all of it.
> We need just give something back if we can. It may be tough to give something back for the ones who have no money and no knowledge to handle MV on their own for their projects. Nevertheless one can give back.
> May be you can buy the documentation when it is out, may you we can support in opening an account on minivend.com. May be you can donate examples, may be you can donate code, may be you can donate time to the list as so many of you do so generously. Do something. Anything
> which somehow supports the project.
> Birgitt Funk

I belong to group one and couldn't agree more.  I've had an interesting
time just setting up a site based on the simple demo but have a learned
a great deal.  Much of what I've learned has nothing to do specifically
with Minivend.  I look forward to the day when I may belong to group
two.  Thanks Mike for a great program and learning experience.

Craig Oettle

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