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[mv] Cybercash and Minivend

******    message to minivend-users from Todd Benson <todd@ehawaiigov.org>     ******

I searched through the archives for an answer.  I believe my problem
lies in the profiles.order file, but I am too much of a beginner to know
for sure, so please help with the following problem I am having.

Has anyone successfully configure Interchange to work with Cybercash
3.2.  If so how?  I keep getting the "Can't figure out credit card
expiration error message after clicking submit.  I think this is symptom

of something going on that I don't know about.  I don't think this is
the problem.  Here' s my catalog.cfg file:

Variable         CYBER_CONFIGFILE
Variable         CYBER_VERSION       3.2
Variable         CYBER_MODE          mauthonly

Variable         MV_PAYMENT_MODE     mauthonly
CreditCardAuto   Yes

This is my last big hurdle.

Todd benson

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