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[mv] Already slightly better

******    message to minivend-users from azmanil@km.ru     ******

Hello people

I already wrote to maillist...
if somebody remember my trobles with Windows&Minivend3.14-5&Apache... ;)
So! I seem I've slightly advanced.... but it doesn't still work..
when I click on the any link in main window (Enter the store, frames
,noframes) I get the following
1. IE -> Not Found
The requested URL /cgi-bin/index was not found on this server.
and in any case I got the /cgi-bin/index
2. Apache log
[Sat Sep 02 03:51:26 2000] [error]
[client] (2)No such file or directory: script not found or unable to stat: d:/server/cgi-bin/index

Why is always "index"?
Where am I wrong?
Help me please...
I think my problems in Apache...

Best regards,
 azmanil                          mailto:azmanil@km.ru

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