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[mv] This is SPAM for a cause I believe in !

******    message to minivend-users from "birgitt" <birgitt@cais.com>     ******

I know what I am risking - and Mike Heins and David Adams might disagree
with my action and cancel me from this list - but I like you to read through
the following article and support the cause. It is the most reasonable initiative
with regards to possibly influence PTO's procedures to issue patents.

It has been proposed:

Antipatents. A database that systematically documents non-patented inventions 
with the aim of preventing some corporation from later claiming the idea. 

A Clueless Patent Database. A DMOZ-style community effort to build pointers 
between obvious or unoriginal patents and the prior art that documents the invalidity 
of those patents. This effort centers around a series of editors, each responsible for 
a class or subclass of patents. 

Please inform yourself reading through this article and surrounding links for
overall discussion.


I have not sent this pointer to any other list than this one and on purpose not
to the IC list, trying to avoid to spoil a new beginning with my old habit of making 
off topic comments and pointers to subject areas I was introduced to just because 
I tried to build a MV site for books in 1996.

Regards to all,
Birgitt Funk

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