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Re: [mv] This is SPAM for a cause I believe in !

******    message to minivend-users from Mike Heins <mikeh@minivend.com>     ******

Quoting birgitt (birgitt@cais.com):
> I know what I am risking - and Mike Heins and David Adams might disagree
> with my action and cancel me from this list - but I like you to read through
> the following article and support the cause. It is the most reasonable initiative
> with regards to possibly influence PTO's procedures to issue patents.

This is not nearly as off-topic as the last one I was upset about. I am
offended by this reference more than anything.....

Please stop this. Why do you continue doing this? Aren't there more
appropriate forums?

Akopia, Inc., 131 Willow Lane, Floor 2, Oxford, OH  45056
phone +1.513.523.8220 fax 7501 <heins@akopia.com>

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