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Re: [mv] Interchange + PostgreSQL results in error 505's (premature end of script headers)

******    message to minivend-users from Kaare Rasmussen <kar@webline.dk>     ******

Mumble, grumble.

> Did you ever see my suggestion (made both some weeks back and today) to
> try removing the NOT NULL from your userdb and transactions setup?

Yes, And the result was... - I don't remember. There was some problems even
though I tried this, but I don't remember what they where.

Sorry for popping up now with a 'me 2' message and without any ammonition. Hope
to have time to check it next week. Will come back.

And sorry for being grumpy. The reason (or one of the reasons) is that I don't
have time to do what I want to do (which includes installing and learning
Interchange in depth).

> Since Interchange doesn't hard-code field names we cannot really follow
> all of the NOT NULL checking in many databases, at least if they don't
> allow a blank value. That is what Postgres does (or appears to do) and
> is what causes the problems.

Not sure what you mean. But as I know, most databases think '' is a NULL value.
Haven't checked PostgreSQL, but at least Oracle does.

Kaare Rasmussen            --Linux, spil,--        Tlf:        3816 2582
Kaki Data                tshirts, merchandize      Fax:        3816 2582
Howitzvej 75               Åben 14.00-18.00        Email: kar@webline.dk
2000 Frederiksberg        Lørdag 11.00-17.00       Web:      www.suse.dk
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