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Re: [ic] Make a Catalog with SQL

First of all the Internal Server Error is NOT a catalog error per se ( > 
90% of the time )
It is more likely that it is a link CGI error (tlink or vlink copy 
installed in cgi-bin dir of the virtual web host.

So first you have to see if you can run the <home dir>/cgi-bin/construct 
(This assumes that you told makecat that your cgi-bin directory is <home 
dir>/cgi-bin ...)
You should get *nothing* when you run it like this: ./construct
You should get this if you run: ./construct test=1
Status: 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/plain

Undefined catalog:

If you don't get this then you need to keep trying the bin/makecat with 
different settings for the link CGI until you get a good result from the 
command line.
Then you can try the browser.

Note that you should get the CGI working regardless of whether the 
Interchange server is running or NOT. If the IC server is  NOT running the 
link program will tell you that it cannot connect. Command line and browser 
also - note that the default timeout is 30 seconds and add the delay to the 
web server to that for the browser test.

Until you get this working you will not know if you have a database problem 
or not ... ;-)

Secondly, if you use the database option for the catalog, then you will see 
lots of SQL statements fly past the FIRST time you start the interchange 
server with the new catalog. That is a good clue that the SQL database 
setup is working. You will NOT see these statements again UNLESS you drop 
that database and create it blank and restart the interchange server.
Also, the makecat process for creating the catalog will complain about 
database creation if that database exists so it is better in my opinion to 
NOT create the database with the makecat if you know that it exists OR to 
drop the database before you run makecat.

Good luck!

At 02:00 PM 11/10/2000, you wrote:
>Hello all:
>Somebody knows why can't make a catalog that working with SQL?
>I'have made a catalog based on the construct catalog type, when makecat
>asked me what database i'wanted to use, i' answer mysql, i'gave the database
>name, created the database but empty, without tables, the tables definition
>were in dbconf/mysql/name.mysql, so when i'want to in the catalog as a user,
>it gave me an errormessage:
>"Internal Server Error"
>Thanks for help...
>Interchange-users mailing list

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