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RE: [ic] Custom Payment (credit Card) Options

1. The globalsub is the actual directory.  It may or may not be in your
installation path.  If not just create it.  The authorizenet is the actual
global sub routine being called from your minivend.cfg.   Make sure to not
have any carriage returns or spaces after the <<EOV and the EOS lines.  Your
path may look like /usr/local/interchange/globalsub.

2.  The MV_PAYMENT_REFERER can be anything of your choice as long as you set
it up on the authorize.net side with permission to process ADC.  It is only
used by authorize.net to verify the server making the connection is the
right one.  The authorizenet global sub routine passes this url to
authorizenet no matter what your url really is.  The authorize.net server
uses the url it receives verifies against the url and your account to make
sure your the right person.

3.  These changes are only needed to pass particular info to Authorize.Net.
They are not necessary and there are additional ones you could add.  These
will be found in the Authorize. Net developers manual.  Available on their

4.  Errors are returned to the checkout.html.  If the transaction succeeds
then the user is then passed to the receipt.html page.  The routine also
checks for ZIP code matches.

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Sindzinski [mailto:admin@extremefactor.com]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 12:44 AM
To: interchange-users@minivend.com
Subject: RE: [ic] Custom Payment (credit Card) Options

    Thanks for the tips, although it does seem that you covered everything
and then
some, I'm going to have to ask a few more questions as I'm still figuring
out this
whole IC system.

    1) I take it the path /usr/local/minivend/globalsub/authorizenet
should a) be to
the ic directory and b i need to create a new directory titled authorizenet?
    2) MV_PAYMENT_REFERER      http://www.yourdomain.com/authorize.html
        Doesn't that url defeat the prupose of instant payment schemes as
I'm not using
authorize.html but instead         /construct?xxxx as the payment url?
    3) for the custom changes to Order.pm, will all the variables fill in as
needed or
will I need to change them to grab the input and send it off properly
    4) My final question is errors, where do errors return to, how can i
make sure fake
denied errors dont go through?

    Thanks a ton!

Here are some instructions I put together some time ago for Authorize.Net.
Some of this may already be done if your using version 4.6.

Hope this helps,

Ray Desjardins

Authorize.Net 3.X installation instructions:

1.  Place the below global sub routine file in
Example Path: /usr/local/minivend/globalsub/authorizenet

2.  Edit your minivend.cfg and add the autorizenet include.
#include /globalsub/authorizenet

My Example:
#### Now including individual usertag files
#include usertag/*
#include compat/*
#include globalsub/authorizenet

3.  Using your knar editor add the following variables to your catalog
variables database.  I did this to allow me to change the authorize net
variables much easier.  You can also add these to your catalog.cfg file if
you would like.

Variable                        Value
MV_PAYMENT_ID           your_authorize.net_login
MV_PAYMENT_MODE         custom authorizenet
MV_PAYMENT_SECRET               your_authorize.net_password
MV_PAYMENT_REFERER      http://www.yourdomain.com/authorize.html

4.  I changed the /usr/local/minivend/lib/Vend/Order.pm module to allow a
few more arguments to authrorize.net at purchase time.
Here is an example of my map_actual sub routine in the Order.pm module.
(This is change is optional but recommended)

sub map_actual {

        # Allow remapping of payment variables
    my %map = qw(
                mv_credit_card_number       mv_credit_card_number
                name                        name
                fname                       fname
                lname                       lname
                b_name                      b_name
                b_fname                     b_fname
                b_lname                     b_lname
                address                     address
                address1                    address1
                address2                    address2
                b_address                   b_address
                b_address1                  b_address1
                b_address2                  b_address2
                city                        city
                b_city                      b_city
                state                       state
                b_state                     b_state
                zip                         zip
                b_zip                       b_zip
                country                     country
                b_country                   b_country
                mv_credit_card_exp_month    mv_credit_card_exp_month
                mv_credit_card_exp_year     mv_credit_card_exp_year
                cyber_mode                  mv_cyber_mode
                amount                      amount
              mv_order_number               mv_order_number


5.  Make sure your authorize.net account is configured to accept the
http://www.yourdomain.com/authorize.html as a referrer.  Put your account in
test mode and have fun.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Sindzinski [mailto:admin@extremefactor.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 3:15 PM
To: interchange-users@minivend.com
Subject: [ic] Custom Payment (credit Card) Options

    I am currently trying to setup Interchange to work with
Authorize.net which authenticates via http requests.  I currently have a
little lwp script that I used with my old shopping cart to send the
transactions.  Although I have read a great deal of documentaiton, all I
can find about setting up payment schemes in Interchange is to use
'&charge=custom MY_PAYMENT_FUCNTION_NAME'.  With this line added, what
must I do to define the function name and get it running?  where must
errors return to to be seen? and lastly, where does this line go (file

Thank you for any assistance

Ted Sindzinski
CTO Extreme Factor

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