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Re: [ic] read only tables problem, where is this set??

Quoting Pugdog (pugdog@ibm.net):
> Mike,
> I'm not an idiot.  The editor is there to allow editing of that table, then 
> the changes
> are APPLIED when the server is restarted.
> If this table cannot be edited, then why is there an option to edit it?
> Also, if this table cannot be edited when the server is running, why can 
> you edit
> the file in a text editor, apply the changes, and continue.
> If this _WAS_ documented I would not have asked.

It is documented in the reference. You can edit the table, it just won't
work on the fly.

You can believe me or not as you choose.

The fact is, a DBM is required or SQL is if you want to have editable
data that doesn't require a restart. Perhaps I should put one of
those big red warnings on the menu page.

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