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[ic] .shtml pages

Anybody have any tips or ideas on how to make .shtml pages to be found by 
the Interchange system?

Notice that I am NOT trying to make Interchange respect SSI tags at all!
I *am* using XSSI (Apache 1.3.14) to build the static portions of the web 
site and want to make common content areas available to the interchange pages.
Part of the reason to NOT place ALL pages in the catalog is performance 
which in this specific site's case is more important than the content 
management offered by Interchange.
We want IC handling of the pages only once the user enters into the product 
catalog and or buy process etc.

So, FYI this is what I have:

~/www/content/page.shtml		(This is the meat of the page)
~/www/page.shtml			(This is a layout wrapper that uses SSI to get the body 
of the page)

~/catalogs/site/pages/page.shtml	(This is based on one of the IC page 
templates and body is basically just a single
						[file ../../www/content/page.shtml])

The main reason for having the .shtml extension here is because the 
navigation bar and sometimes links inside the pages refer to a page with a 
.shtml extension.

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