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[mv] MV4.04a - Code snippet to check_form date entered

******    message to minivend-users from jimtoro@hoflink.com     ******

I am working on a site and using alot of forms to get data
from customers. Have had no problem using the check_form
loop to see if data exists for some variables and if not
show form errors and re-ask for fill-out.

However I need a code snippet that will do the following:

1)  check a data field where the customer must enter a 
    date in the format of   99/99/99 to be sure customer
    entered digits and slashes as requested.

2)  check to be sure that the date entered is LATER THAN the current
    date.  example:  today is 12/01/00 but customer enters 11/30/00.
    since this is a delivery date the customer entered, date must be
    after the current date and should fail and warn customer to 
If anyone has a snippet of minivend/perl laying around that checks
dates like above, I would appreciate it.

In addition does there exist a repository for cool code snippets for
annoying repetitive routines, I hate spending half a day re-inventing 
the wheel.


 House Of Files Internet 
 Web Consulting, Design and Hosting

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