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[ic] Interchange 4.6 and CyberCash MCK 3.3

I found a page or so of documentation on CyberCash, but I was wondering if anyone out there can provide me with a detailed description on configuring Interchange with CyberCash.  Will Interchange perform real-time card validation with CyberCash and provide the user with notification if their card was rejected?  What are the steps required to link Interchange and CyberCash? 
I have added 'cybercash' to the ORDER_ROUTE entry and updated my catalog.cfg with the appropriate path to my CyberCash cgi scripts, but nothing appears to be happening.  Any suggestions for debugging this process?
I have to admit I'm new to both Interchange and CyberCash, so forgive my ignorance.
Thanks for your help!  I'm truly impressed with the Interchange product!
Tom McAlees

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