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[ic] IC GUI

I am taking suggestions for features / desires for a GUI frontend to
Interchange. Having been a Minivend user since 2.08 I have a fair idea
of what I would like a GUI to provide. This project is slated for Linux
users with porting to UNIX OS's to follow. Since Akopia is playing with
MAC it will most likely be the next platform supported. For anyone
wanting to take a peek at where I presently am (which isn't far) it can
be viewed at:


As stated at the url I am taking any help anyone wants to provide along
with suggestions. I have tons of code to pour through so if you want a
section of the app let me know :)


  WDI                          Steve & Patti Getzinger
  702 Lincolnway West          steveandpatti@wubs.org
  South Bend, IN  46616        http://www.wubs.org/
  219-287-4700 (Main Office)   317-535-0239 (Direct Line)

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