
Database — register existing database table for use with Interchange


table_name table_source_file table_type
table_name attribute value


The directive registers a database table for use with Interchange. table_name specifies an arbitrary name — name that will be used to refer to the table within Interchange. Names can be composed of alphanumeric characters including underscore, and we recommend they're in all lower- or upper-case.

source_file specifies the initial database text source file, and type specifies database format.

For more about Interchange and databases, and supported formats, see database glossary entry.


Global directive,
Catalog directive


Example: Default, most basic products database

Database products products.txt TAB

Example: Simple definition of a CSV-style database source format

Database reviews reviews.txt CSV

Example: Automatically configure all tables from an existing PostgreSQL database

DatabaseAutoIgnore ^sql_
DatabaseAuto __SQLDSN__
NoImportExternal Yes

For further discussion, see DatabaseAuto.

Example: Definition of a Postgres database table

# Required for PostgreSQL
Require module DBI
Require module DBD::Pg

Variable SQLDSN dbi:Pg:dbname=database_name
Variable SQLUSER username
Variable SQLPASS password

<ParseVariables Yes>

DatabaseDefault USER __SQLUSER__
DatabaseDefault PASS __SQLPASS__
DatabaseDefault NO_ASCII_INDEX 1

Message -i -n Using PostgreSQL, DSN=__SQLDSN__...

# Individual database table definitions

Database  table_name  table_name.txt   __SQLDSN__


# Optional table descriptions

Database  table_name  LENGTH_EXCEPTION_DEFAULT  truncate_log
Database  table_name  DEFAULT_TYPE varchar(255)

Database  table_name  KEY          sku
Database  table_name  HIDE_FIELD   inactive

Database  table_name  COLUMN_DEF   "sku=varchar(64) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY"
Database  table_name  COLUMN_DEF   "description=varchar(128)"
Database  table_name  COLUMN_DEF   "price=varchar(12)"

Database  table_name  INDEX        description
Database  table_name  INDEX        price

For the above example to work, you will need file table_name.txt present within ProductDir, containing the initial data set for the table. If there's no initial data set and the table should be empty, the file still needs to contain a single line with three column names, separated by a TAB:

sku	description	price


In Interchange, words table and database are used to refer to the same thing — database table.

Defining databases on an Interchange (global) level won't work. If you want to share databases among catalogs, define them in each catalog.cfg separately (possibly by including the generic file with Database definitions).


Database is available in Interchange versions:

4.6.0-5.9.0 (git-head)


Interchange 5.9.0:

Source: lib/Vend/
Line 472

['Database',     'database',         ''],

Source: lib/Vend/
Line 594

['Database',       'database',        ''],

Source: lib/Vend/
Line 4442 (context shows lines 4442-4639)

sub parse_database {
my ($var, $value) = @_;
my ($c, $new);

if (! $value) {
  $c = {};
  return $c;

$c = $C ? $C->{Database} : $Global::Database;

my($database,$remain) = split /[\s,]+/, $value, 2;

if( ! defined $c->{$database} ) {
  $c->{$database} = { 'name' => $database, included_from => $configfile };
  $new = 1;

my $d = $c->{$database};

if($new) {
  my($file, $type) = split /[\s,]+/, $remain, 2;
  $d->{'file'} = $file;
  if($file eq 'AUTO_SEQUENCE') {
    # database table missing for AUTO_SEQUENCE directive
    config_error('Missing database %s for AUTO_SEQUENCE %s.', $database, $type);
    return $c;
  if(    $type =~ /^\d+$/  ) {
    $d->{'type'} = $type;
  elsif(  $type =~ /^(dbi|sql)\b/i  ) {
    $d->{'type'} = 8;
    if($type =~ /^dbi:/) {
      $d->{DSN} = $type;
  elsif(  $type =~ /^ldap\b/i) {
    $d->{'type'} = 9;
    if($type =~ /^ldap:(.*)/i) {
      $d->{LDAP_HOST} = $1;
  elsif(  $type =~ /^ic:(\w*)(:(.*))?/ ) {
    my $class = $1;
    my $dir = $3;
    $d->{DIR} = $dir if $dir;
    if($class =~ /^default$/i) {
      # Do nothing
    elsif($class) {
      $class = uc $class;
      if(! $Vend::Data::db_config{$class}) {
        config_error("unrecognized IC database class: %s (from %s)", $class, $type);
      $d->{Class} = $class;
    $d->{'type'} = 6;
  elsif(  "\U$type" eq 'TAB'  ) {
    $d->{'type'} = 6;
  elsif(  "\U$type" eq 'PIPE'  ) {
    $d->{'type'} = 5;
  elsif(  "\U$type" eq 'CSV'  ) {
    $d->{'type'} = 4;
  elsif(  "\U$type" eq 'DEFAULT'  ) {
    $d->{'type'} = 1;
  elsif(  $type =~ /[%]{1,3}|percent/i  ) {
    $d->{'type'} = 3;
  elsif(  $type =~ /line/i  ) {
    $d->{'type'} = 2;
  else {
    $d->{'type'} = 1;
    $d->{DELIMITER} = $type;
  if    ($d->{'type'} eq '8')  { $d->{Class} = 'DBI'            }
  elsif ($d->{'type'} eq '9') { $d->{Class} = 'LDAP'            }
  else             { $d->{Class} ||= $Global::Default_database  }

  if($C and $C->{DatabaseDefault}) {
    while ( my($k, $v) = each %{$C->{DatabaseDefault}}) {
      $d->{$k} = $v;

  $d->{HOT} = 1 if $d->{Class} eq 'MEMORY';
#::logDebug("parse_database: type $type -> $d->{type}");
else {
  my($p, $val) = split /\s+/, $remain, 2;
  $p = uc $p;
#::logDebug("parse_database: parameter $p = $val");

  if(defined $Explode_ref{$p}) {
    my($ak, $v);
    $val =~ s/,+$//;
    $val =~ s/^,+//;
    my(@v) = Text::ParseWords::shellwords($val);
    @v = grep length $_, @v;
    $d->{$p} = {} unless defined $d->{$p};
    for(@v) {
      my ($sk,$v) = split /\s*=\s*/, $_;
      my (@k) = grep /\w/, split /\s*,\s*/, $sk;
      for my $k (@k) {
        if($d->{$p}->{$k}) {
            qq{Database %s explode parameter %s redefined to "%s", was "%s".},
            "$p --> $k",
        $d->{$p}->{$k} = $v;
  elsif(defined $Hash_ref{$p}) {
    my($k, $v);
    my(@v) = Vend::Util::quoted_comma_string($val);
    @v = grep defined $_, @v;
    $d->{$p} = {} unless defined $d->{$p};
    for(@v) {
      ($k,$v) = split /\s*=\s*/, $_;
      if($d->{$p}->{$k}) {
          qq{Database %s hash parameter %s redefined to "%s", was "%s".},
          "$p --> $k",
      $d->{$p}->{$k} = $v;
  elsif(defined $Ary_ref{$p}) {
    my(@v) = Text::ParseWords::shellwords($val);
    $d->{$p} = [] unless defined $d->{$p};
    push @{$d->{$p}}, @v;
  elsif ($p eq 'COMPOSITE_KEY') {
      ## Magic hardcode
    if($d->{type} == 8) {
      $d->{Class} = 'DBI_CompositeKey';
      $d->{$p} = $val;
    else {
        'Database %s parameter in type with no handling. Ignored.', 
  elsif ($p eq 'CLASS') {
    $d->{Class} = $val;
  elsif ($p =~ /^(MEMORY|SDBM|GDBM|DB_FILE|LDAP)$/i) {
    $d->{Class} = uc $p;
  elsif ($p eq 'ALIAS') {
    if (defined $c->{$val}) {
      config_warn("Database '%s' already exists, can't alias.", $val);
    else {
      $c->{$val} = $d;
  elsif ($p =~ /^MAP/) {
    Vend::Table::Shadow::_parse_config_line ($d, $p, $val);

  else {
    defined $d->{$p}
    and ! defined $C->{DatabaseDefault}{$p}
        qq{Database %s scalar parameter %s redefined to "%s", was "%s".},
    $d->{$p} = $val;
  $d->{HOT} = 1 if $d->{Class} eq 'MEMORY';

return $c;


Interchange Development Group


DatabaseDefault(7ic), data(7ic), TableRestrict(7ic), DatabaseAuto(7ic), UserDB(7ic), DirectiveDatabase(7ic), DatabaseAutoIgnore(7ic), UserDatabase(7ic)

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