2.4. Universal Attributes

Universal attributes apply to all tags, though each tag specifies its own default for the attribute. The code implementing universal attributes is external to the core routines that implement specific tags.

2.4.1. interpolate

This attribute behaves differently depending upon whether the tag is a container or standalone tag. A container tag is one which has an end tag, i.e. [tag] stuff [/tag]. A standalone tag has no end tag, as in [area href=somepage]. (Note that [page ...] and [order ..] are not container tags.)

For container tags (interpolated)

For standalone tags (reparsed)

(Note: The mixing of 'interpolate' and 'reparse' logic occurred because 'interpolate' already worked this way when 'reparse' was added to Interchange. This may be fixed in a later release...)

Most standalone tags are not reparsed by default (i.e., interpolate=0 by default). There are some exceptions, such as the [include] tag.

Interpolation example:

Assuming that name is 'Kilroy',

   [log interpolate=1][value name] was here[/log]
   [log interpolate=0][value name] was here[/log]

the first line logs 'Kilroy was here' to catalog_root/etc/log, while the second logs '[value name] was here'.

Reparsing example:

Suppose we set a scratch variable called 'now' as follows:

   [set name=now interpolate=0][time]%A, %B %d, %Y[/time][/set]

If today is Monday, January 1, 2001,

   [scratch name=now interpolate=0]
   [scratch name=now interpolate=1]

the first line yields

   [time]%A, %B %d, %Y[/time]

while the second yields

   Monday, January 1, 2001

2.4.2. reparse

If true ("reparse=1"), the server will process any tags in the text output by the reparsed tag.

Reparse applies only to container tags (those with an end tag). The interpolate attribute controls reparsing of the output of standalone tags (see above).

Most container tags will have their output re-parsed for more Interchange tags by default. If you wish to inhibit this behavior, you must explicitly set the attribute reparse to 0. Note that you will almost always want the default action. The only container ITL tag that doesn't have reparse set by default is [mvasp].


Assuming that name is 'Kilroy',

  1.   [perl reparse=0]
          my $tagname = 'value';
          return "[$tagname name] was here\n"

  2.   [perl reparse=1]
          my $tagname = 'value';
          return "[$tagname name] was here\n"

expands to

  1.   [value name] was here

  2.   Kilroy was here

2.4.3. send
