[ic] "Can't figure out credit card expiration"

Brian Clare bfc@porte.com
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:56:33 -0600

Sonny Cook wrote:
> Did you set:
>         CreditCardAuto No
> in your catalog.cfg?


Yes I did in both spots in calalog.cfg.  Correct?  

Trying to get CyberCash working as well or in place of encryption.  I've
copied the CC.pm's to the Interchange lib directory as I saw mentioned
in a post.  I can't seem to find the directive "CyberCash Yes" in the
catalog.cfg file as mentioned in the docs.  Has this been replaced by
"CYBER_MODE" variable?  

I now am receiving the "error in Red" message after check out, but no
error message.  I saw the posts last week re: this behavior, but the
transactions not showing up at CyberCash either.

Maybe it's just me, but CyberCash and Encryption REALLY need detailed
HOWTOs.  If I ever get it running and can remember what I did, I'll

Til then, appreciate any help.
