[ic] Locale File...

Jonathan Clark jonc@webmaint.net
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 21:35:08 +0100

for the uk I use the following.



code en_GB

currency_symbol -> £
decimal_point -> .
default => 1
frac_digits => 2
mon_decimal_point => .
mon_thousand_sep => (blank)
mon_thousands_sep =>,
p_cs_precedes => 1
p_sep_by_space => (blank)
price_picture => (blank)


Shipping => Carriage
Sales Tax => VAT

>G'Day Folks,
>Has anyone created the entries for the locale file for the UK or Canada?
>UK: For the pound as opposed to the dollar.
>Canada: For the currency exchange.
>If not, if I do it, does anyone else want/need it?
>John Beima