[ic] More Information : Category select box not working in 4.6.5

Jason Kohles interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Thu Jun 7 09:43:07 2001

On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 07:26:11PM -0400, Chris Rapier wrote:
> I reinstalled 4.6.5 from the latest sources. I installed the 'construct'
> demo store and before making any changes went to the admin/items section
> and was able to reproduce the problem. Its not that there isn't anything
> in the select box widget it is that there is *no* widget whatsoever.
Thats what I meant is that you should get an empty widget, but I can't explain
why there is no widget at all.

> The error I receieved from the demo store was:
> T7aYyIJD: - [06/June/2001:19:22:30 -0400]
> construct /cgi-bin/construct.cgi/admin/item_edit Bad SQL, query was:
> select DISTINCT category, category FROM products ORDER BY category
Looking at this bug it appers the problem is that it was unable to
create a SQL::Parser object for some reason, but you do seem to have found
a bug that is suppressing the cause of the error in this case.  If you are
comfortable changing the perl in the core you could try changing line 569
of Vend::Table::Common
    ::logError("Bad SQL, query was: $query");
    ::logError("Bad SQL ($@), query was: $query");
this should give you the actual cause of the error.  You might also check
to make sure you have the SQL::Statement module installed, as from the code
that appears to be the big thing that could cause this problem.

> NOTE: I am using the default DBM database. I'm guessing that this might
> be the problem. However, it seems to me that if thats the default
> database all of the attributes of the demo store should work as
> advertised. 
It should, and when I installed it here I also used DBM, which makes me
suspect that is not the real problem.  Once the person who is in charge
of demo.akopia.com gets into the office this morning I will get them to
give me access to that machine so I can track the problem down there.

Red Hat E-Business Solutions                    Jason Kohles
11480 Sunset Hills Road                         Senior System Architect
Reston, VA 20190                                jkohles@redhat.com