[ic] Minimum Shipping Weight?

Ed LaFrance interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Fri Jun 15 12:18:01 2001

At 10:11 AM 06/15/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>How can I set a minimum weight for shipping? Like 5lb order minimum in
>order to check out.
>I'm on IC 4.6.2.

Here's one way:

First, check pages/ord/checkout.html to assure that the weight is being 
tallied on that page - the code looks like this:

         [if-item-field weight]
         [seti weight][summary amount=`[item-quantity] * [item-field 

Then add this input somewhere below the [item-list][/item-list] block, but 
before the end of the form.

[seti total_weight][summary format="%s" total=1][/seti]
[if scratch total_weight >= 5]
         <input type=hidden name=weight_min_ok value=1>
         <input type=hidden name=weight_min_ok value=''>

Then add this to the checkout_profile in etc/profiles.order (shown with a 
little context):

__NAME__                            checkout_profile
weight_min_ok=required Your order must weigh at least 5lb.
[if value country =~ /^(US|CA)$/i]
         state=state_province "[value state]" is not a valid US/Canada 
state or province.

Reconfig, and now the submit should fail if the total order weight is less 
that 5 lb (kg, etc, whatever you use).  Take a look at the [error] tag doc 
for how to incorporate an error message into the checkout display.

- Ed L.

New Media E.M.S.               Software Solutions for Business
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