[ic] Error reported on checkout form only in CC live mode

Jerry O'Brien obrienj@cuttingedge.net
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 10:00:35 -0600


I know this is repeating Choong's question a few weeks ago, but I need to
fix this fast and he didn't seem to get an answer:

Test mode seems to work (I get a receipt and the order gets emailed, but the
payment gateway logs no transactions in test mode, so I can't really tell if
it got through)

With test mode turned off, IC reports an error on the checkout form, but no
fields are marked in red.

Debug is turned on, and there is a startup record in /tmp/icdebug, but no
errors reported.

No errors are reported in interchange/error.log

A test copy of globalsub/authorizenet passes through perl ok

Anything else I should check before using a real card (mine...)?

Jerry O'Brien