[ic] Syntax for a link to order a product

Jeff Carnahan jcarnahan@networq.com
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 13:50:22 -0700

}<a href="[area href="order" form="mv_order_item=[item-code]"]"

The web-design guys on one of our sites don't know much about ICML syntax,
so I created a page called add.html.

It contains:

	$sku = $CGI->{'sku'};
	$sku =~ s/[^\w\-_]//g;

	$Scratch->{'product'} = $sku;
	return '';
[/perl][bounce href="[area form=|  mv_todo=refresh
                                   mv_order_item=[scratch product]

Now, they can use links like:

<A HREF="/shop/add.html?sku=[item-code]"> ... </A>
<A HREF="/shop/add.html?sku=101010"> ... </A>

This makes it easier for them (they're afriad of the [page] and [area] tags)
and that makes it easier for us.. =)

Jeff Carnahan - jcarnahan@networq.com