[ic] Encrypting CC# after using custom payment (PayflowPro)

Randy Moore interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Wed May 16 17:45:01 2001

Hi All,

Using Interchange 4.64
	Redhat Linux 7.0

I'm setting up a store that uses Verisign PayflowPro for real time credit 
card processing for the first time.  I have successfully setup the 
globalsub for signio and my test transactions are going through perfectly.

But, I haven't been able to figure out how to get Interchange to encrypt 
the credit card # AFTER the signio module is done with it.  Ideally, I 
would like it to put the encrypted CC# in mv_credit_card_info, just like 
the built-in CyberCash routine.

Is there a reasonably easy way to do this?

I realize that it is not necessarily desirable to save the credit card 
number (even encrypted) after doing a real-time charge.  I'm really just 
trying to see what is possible.

Thanks for any suggestions.
Randy Moore
Axion Information Technologies, Inc.

email     ramoore@axion-it.net
phone   301-408-1200
fax        301-445-3947