[ic] customizing IC's default SQL database tables

Gabe Burt interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Wed May 16 23:44:00 2001

I'm attempting to customize Interchange to fit my needs - namely adding
fields in the products and userdb database tables - and am having poor
luck. I'm using Postgresql-7.x on a Red Hat 6.2 machine.

I've been using the "construct" store template to make my database
changes on, but I'm confused about what I need to edit to make the
changes and have Interchange register them and still work.

Is this the best way to go about setting up Interchange to work with a
customized database setup?

If so, what files should I be editing?

I tried changing, relative to construct's root, /dbconf/pgsql/*.pgsql,
but wasn't successful with that. Then I tried to make a file with the
plain SQL statements for the creation of the database, and scratched
the .pgsql files altogether. I've also edited the /products/*.txt files
to match my customized database definitions. I then loaded my sql to
postgres, but when I tried to load interchange it dies with an error in
the configuration. Here is the exact error message when I entered
"interchange -i":

Low traffic settings.
Calling UI....
...UI is loaded....
Interchange V4.6.5
Configuring catalog testcat...Using MySQL, DSN=dbi:Pg:dbname=test_db.
Using PostgreSQL, DSN=dbi:Pg:dbname=test_db.
Directive ProductFiles returned default setting error: No default
search file!
In line 0 of the configuration file '':
ActionMap ui_edit <<EOR

testcat config error: Directive ProductFiles returned default setting
error: No
 default search file!
In line 0 of the configuration file '':
ActionMap ui_edit <<EOR

testcat: error in configuration. Skipping.
testcat: config error. Skipping.
Interchange server started in INET mode(s) (process id 2973)

I have no idea what the "ActionMap ui_edit" error is. Also, I've looked
in the source code (Vend::Config.pm) and can't decipher what the
ProductFiles error is about.

Can somebody please enlighten me? I think my level of understanding of
how Interchange works is not quite enough to get me past this problem. 
I would assume that customizing the database is a pretty frequently
desired thing with Interchange, but I can't find any documentation or
mailing list archives related to it. Examples, links to documentation,
etc, would be much appreciated.

Thanks greatly for any help you can provide me.


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