[ic] Parsing of order profiles

Tobias Henle interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Fri Nov 2 04:35:01 2001

Hi List
i have an interesting problem with the parsing of my orderfile. I call a 
Usertag from &perl and set some Scratch variables in it!

** my tag **
UserTag bla Routine sub { $Scratch->{"test"}="Hallo Welt" }

** my profiles.order
&perl $Tag->bla()
blub=required [scratch test]

now in the checkout page the errormessage for blub is empty becourse IC 
- i think - parse the IC-Tags first and the &perl last, is there any 
possible workaround (i try to resolve this problem since 3hours and 
couldn`t find any) am i lame or what?


mit freundlichen Grüßen

-Tobias Henle
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	mailto:t.henle@thiesen.com    http://www.thiesen.com