[ic] Admin Wizard

Soheil Shaghaghi interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Aug 14 03:34:04 2002

Hi everyone,
I am running ID 4.8.5 on FreeBSD 4.2

I am trying to use the wizard to create a key.
When I get to "Payment Preferences", fill out the info, and click on "Next",
I get ISE!
Looking at the log files:
IC Local Error Logs:
/cgi-bin/shop/ui Runtime error: Can't fork! at (eval 58) line 12.

Also, The credit card fields are empty in the orders.

Looking in the archives, I have found a few things, but I still can't solve
this issue.

In interchange/lib/UI/usertag/ I modified the following 2 files
add_gpg_key.tag and get_gpg_keys.tag.

     open(GPGIMP, "$gpgexe $flags |")
         or die "Can't fork!";

 Change this to:

     open(GPGIMP, "$gpgexe $flags |")
         or die "Can't fork: $!";

Then restart and try again, and the error message will be more descriptive.

2. Added the line below in the catalog.cfg
Variable GPG_PATH /usr/local/bin/gpg

Now, I get the following error:

/cgi-bin/shop/ui  Runtime error: Can't fork: No such file or directory at
(eval 54) line 12.

3. I tried changing the variables in the catalog.conf to the following and
still no luck:
Route main        attach           0
Route main        credit_card      1
Route main        cybermode        ""
Route main        default          1
Route main        email            '__ORDERS_TO__'
Route main        encrypt          0
Route main        encrypt_program  "/usr/local/bin/pgp -f -a -t -r %s"
Route main        errors_to        '__ORDERS_TO__'
Route main        increment        0
Route main        pgp_cc_key       "email@site.com"
Route main        pgp_key          "email@site.com"
Route main        receipt          etc/receipt.html
Route main        report           etc/report
Route main        supplant         1
Route main        individual_track orders
Route main        track            etc/tracking.asc

4. I added the following variable in the Admin Preferences --Encryption, and
still no lock:
/usr/local/bin/gpg -e -a -q --batch --no-tty --always-trust -r
email@site.com 2>/home/sites/site7/shop/encrypt.error

I don't see any file named encrypt.error

5. Modified the catalog.conf file to the following and still no luck:
ENCRYPTOR is defined as:

/usr/bin/pgp_shell.sh -fate __ORDERS_TO__ 2>/dev/null

in my variables table.  The contents of my gpg wrapper named
'pgp_shell.sh' is:

PGPPATH=/home/interch/.pgp; export PGPPATH
/usr/bin/pgp $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7

And the route in catalog.cfg:

Route main        attach           0
Route main        credit_card      0
Route main        cybermode        ""
Route main        default          1
Route main        email            '__ORDERS_TO__'
Route main        encrypt          0
Route main        encrypt_program  '__ENCRYPTOR__'
Route main        errors_to        '__ORDERS_TO__'
Route main        increment        0
Route main        pgp_cc_key       ""
Route main        pgp_key          ""
Route main        receipt          etc/receipt.html
Route main        report           etc/report
Route main        supplant         1
Route main        individual_track orders
Route main        track            logs/tracking.asc

I don't know what else to do. Can anyone please point me to the correct path

Thanks so much,