[ic] Getting vertical category items to show up in the right navigation bar

Venu interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Aug 14 07:39:02 2002


Sorry I have posted this answer earlier with diff. subject.

When you select [top-left-right] template for a particular page and as a
sixth component if you select "Vertical Category List" then it will display
the same on the right side. Just now I have checked and its working fine
with me. Even when i click on the links too.  So just try again properly.
And to disable the Vertical Category List on the left side just select as
"None" - (No Component ) for the Component #2 or Component#3 in a particular
page (eg: for results.html ... If you Keep none in the template it does not
work...you have to make it none in the particular page to disable that
component.) where ever you
have selected the Vertical Category List.

Basically the component "Vertical Category List" is available to Component
#2,3 and 6. So Select for 6th Component as Vertical Category List...this
should work.

Good Luck..


I haven't found anyone with this problem in the archives, so perhaps
someone can help:

I am using the foundation template in 4.8.5, and I can get random items to
show up in the right navigation using Component 6 with the leftright

I have vertical category showing up in the left, with the items I've chosen
in the UI/Design section to be on the left.  When I select Component 6 to
*also* be vertical category, but with "right" items, these "right" items
show up in the left nav bar, further down from the normal left category

I tried to make a new component vertical_right to see if I could get
everything to go on the right, and changed the only mention of left to
                 se=[control set_selector right]
but it hasn't helped.
Does anyone have this working?
Sarah Stapleton-Gray
Web Site Coordinator
National Organization for Women