[ic] Form submission without any submit buttons

DB interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Dec 4 12:21:01 2002

> I swore I saw a post on this topic in the mailing list, but I have
> checked my mailbox, tripled checked the archives, checked several times
> using swish and google and cannot find this post.  I thought the post
> was pretty recent but I may be mistaking.  Maybe I am using the wrong
> search words or something.  I also tried giving my eyes a break then
> tried the search again still nothing.  Maybe I imagined the post.  If
> this post exist, could someone send me the link to it. 
> If not here is my question:
> Is there a way to submit a form without having to click submit button
> of any sort. The form would be submitted with hidden fields
> automatically when a particular page is opened.  Does anyone have any
> simple way of doing this?
> Thanks for your help,
> Tom

I posted something like this a week or so ago. I ended up using an 
In-Page search which you can find in the docs. It did the trick for me.