[ic] combine quantity pricing

Götz Verdieck interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Mon Feb 4 10:45:00 2002


I would like to combine articles with the same SKU and different
options for the quantity pricing.

SKU     options   Quantity    price
110     Ring 100m   100          10  <<< price for quantity up to 100
110     Drum 500m   500           8  <<< price for quantity up to 500
        Sum         600
I want the price for quantity > 500 to be shown in the rows.

Do I need perl for this or is it possible to use common tags ?
Any hints are welcome.

By the way I want to say thank you for the help I got for my last questions.
It helped me a lot. But as soon as one question is solved another comes up.

Best regards,

Goetz Verdieck

E-Mail    Goetz.Verdieck@com4office.de