[ic] How to display adjusted options prices?

Interchange interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Tue Jul 9 15:12:01 2002

> > But I don't want to hardcode the size list like that, since some
> > products do not contain all these sizes.  How can I change my
> > code to get the size options from the products table?
> Pretty easily using the acclist=1 modifier:
>  <SELECT NAME="[modifier-name size]">
>  [loop
> 	option="[modifier-name size]"
> 	acclist=1
> 	list=|
> 		[field column=size code='[item-code]']
> 	    |]
>  <OPTION VALUE="[loop-code]"> [loop-param label] -- [price
> code="[item-code]" size="[loop-code]"] [/loop]
>  </SELECT>

Thanks!  That worked beautifully!  :)

But I'm facing a strange problem now, at the Checkout page, the 
prices are not reflected correctly.  They always take the base prices 
from the products table, not the adjusted price, ie, size L should 
show $105 but instead, it's showing $100.  Any clues?

Seems like, in comparison between using simple options (ie, options 
table) and the pricing table, the latter is more versatile in 
displaying the size prices in a select box.  Using the former can 
only display, eg, size L as $5.  Am I right in this conclusion?