[ic] Re: How do I send a form that wont alter the URL?

Rene Hertell interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Sep 25 16:35:01 2002

> Isn't <form ... method="post"> not covered in your "HTML for Dummies"
> textbook <g> ?

Sorry, I completely forgot that :(

> [perl]
> my ($value1, $value2, $value3) = @{$CGI_array->{var}};
> [/perl]
> Don't forget to validate user's input before pushing it into
> the SQL statement.

Yup, That is what I wanted to do with the Perl-code. I just could not figure
out how to take apart that array.

Thanks again Racke!

I would have been bald many times without the help of this list! :)

