[ic] actionmap and mv_nextpage in forms

Doug Alcorn doug at lathi.net
Mon Aug 25 22:42:01 EDT 2003

Mike Heins <mike at perusion.com> writes:

> Quoting Doug Alcorn (doug at lathi.net):
>> I've setup an actionmap (which I think are a great way make urls look
>> readable) that uses a url something like
>> "foo/12332234/bar/456464646".  Basically I'm trying to relate two
>> different types of products together in a single page.  I know the
>> actionmap works because I can type in the url and the page loads just
>> as I'd expect it to.  I verified that the path is being parsed
>> correctly and the page is interpreting the results just like I want.
>> The foo product is actually related to a group of bar products.  What
>> I'm trying to do is have a page the details the relationship between a
>> single foo product and a single bar product.  However, I want to have
>> a drop down list that allows the shopper to change the bar product.
> mv_nextpage is not a URL -- it is a page name. ActionMap depends on it being the URL
> referencing the site.. 

Thanks for this clarification.  It's sent me in the right direction.

[snip working example]

> It won't work without JS, though.

OK, this is a kludge, but works:

,----[ detail page select form ]
| <form action="[area process]">
|   <input type="hidden" name="mv_todo" value="refresh" />
|   <input type="hidden" name="mv_nextpage" value="bouncedetail" />
|   <select name="nextpage" onchange="this.form.submit();">
|     [query type=list prefix=bar
|            sql="select id, display_name from bar where foo='[scratch foo_code]'"]
|        <option value="foo/[sql-param code]/bar/[bar-param id]" [calc]
|              return "selected" if "[bar-param id]" eq "[scratch bar_code]";
|           [/calc]>[bar-param display_name]</option>
|     [/query]
|   </select>
|   <input type="submit" value="Switch Bar">
| </form>

,----[ bouncedetail.html ]
| [tmp page][area href="[value nextpage]"][/tmp]
| [bounce href="[scratch page]"]

 (__) Doug Alcorn - Unix/Linux/Web Developing
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