[ic] In order to overcome a problem we had with the -m option of the localize script

John Matecsa interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Mon Jan 13 20:16:01 2003

In order to overcome a problem we had with the -m option of the localize script, we did the following.

A relevant bug report is available at: http://www.icdevgroup.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=479

1. Generate a localization file using the interchange tool by:

  localize -l en_US [-d fr_FR ...] page.html > translation.txt

2. Replace the default translations with your own where required

3. Feed this data into my utility

  ./locale-merge -i page.html -o page.html -t translation.txt

Known Bugs
If you specify a default locale that /does not/ have translations for
all keys, the output file will have blanks (you should not run into this
if you make sure the -l option on the interchange tool corresponds to
the -d option with my tool, or if you omit -d altogether)

# Localization Helper for Interchange
# Initial development by Aaron Kemp <kempa@picassofish.com>
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;

my $data;
my %translations;
my $default_locale = undef;
my %options;

getopts('d:t:i:o:', \%options);

if (!($options{'t'})) {
	print "Interchange Localization Helper v1.0\nCopyright (C) 2002 Picassofish\n\n";
	print "Usage:\n\t$0 -t <translation_file> [-i <input_file>] [-d <default_locale>] [-o <output_file>]";
	print "\n\n\t-i\tSpecifies the input file (default: stdin)";
	print "\n\n\t-o\tSpecifies the output file (default: stdout)";
	print "\n\n\t-i\tSpecifies the translation file";
	print "\n\n\t-d\tSpecifies the default locale (defaults to the\n\t\tfirst found in the translation file)\n\n";

# Load data from stdin or a file
if (defined($options{'i'})) {
	open(INPUT, $options{'i'}) || die ("Unable to open input file '".$options{'i'}."'\n");;
	$data = join('', <INPUT>);
} else {
	$data = join('', <STDIN>);

# Load translation table
open(TRANSLATIONS, $options{'t'}) || die ("Unable to open translations file '".$options{'t'}."'\n");
my $locale = undef;
my @locale_data;
my $marker;

$default_locale = $options{'d'} if (defined($options{'d'}));

while (<TRANSLATIONS>) {
	if ($locale eq undef) {
		next unless m/^\s*locale\s+([a-zA-Z_]+).*<<\s*(\w+)/i;
		$locale = $1;
		$marker = $2;
		$default_locale = $locale if ($default_locale eq undef);
		@locale_data = ();		
	} else {
		next if (m/^\s*#/);
		if (m/^\s*$marker\s*$/) {
			while (@locale_data) {
				$translations{$locale}{pop(@locale_data)} = pop(@locale_data);

			$locale = undef;		
		if (m/\s*\"(.*)\"/) {
			push(@locale_data, $1);
		} elsif (m/\s*undef\s*/) {
			push(@locale_data, undef);

sub translate($) {
	my ($key) = @_;
	my $translated = (defined(${$translations{$default_locale}}{$key})?${$translations{$default_locale}}{$key}:$key);

	foreach my $locale (keys %translations) {
		foreach (keys %{$translations{$locale}}) {
			if ($_ eq $key) {
				if (defined(${$translations{$locale}}{$key})) {
					if (${$translations{$locale}}{$key} ne ${$translations{$default_locale}}{$key}) {
						$translated .= "[$locale]".${$translations{$locale}}{$key}."[/$locale]";
	return ($translated);

# Convert [L] to [LC]
$data =~ s!\[L\]([^\[]+)\[/L\]!\[LC\]$1\[/LC\]!gm;

# Fill in [LC]
$data =~ s!\[LC.*?\]([^\[]+)\[.*?/LC\]!"\[LC\]".translate($1)."\[/LC\]"!gme;

# Output to file or stdout
if (defined($options{'o'})) {
	open(OUTPUT, ">".$options{'o'});
	print OUTPUT $data;
} else {
	print $data;

Hopefully this will help somebody out there!

John Matecsa <matecsaj@picassofish.com>
Picasso Fish Corporation