[ic] More reliable (or hassle free) alternative to AuthorizeNet?

Hostmaster hostmaster at zipp.net
Sat Nov 22 16:58:23 EST 2003

> Hostmaster wrote:
> > So my question:  Can anyone recommend a Payment Gateway other than
> > AuthorizeNet that works "somewhat effortlessly" with Interchange?
> We use NetBilling which has no problems for us.  There's a NetBilling
> module here:
> http://www.interchange.rtfm.info/downloads/payments/index.html
> ...as well as several other payment modules available for IC which do
> not come in the base IC distribution.
> Also if you want online check support for NetBilling (or you just want a
> better documented module) then drop me an email and I'll send you the
> module I use which does support it.
> Regards, Peter

I'd like to thank those of you who have responded to my question.  I'm still
investigating.  I've got the catalog in test mode, and the authorize net
configured to test mode.  I placed an order and get this from Interchange:
||| There were errors in your last submission:
(authorizenet): Charge operation 'authorizenet' failed.
The areas you need to correct are shown in this color below. |||

There were no errors shown in red on that page, but I didn't expect to see
them there after all the reading I've done in the docs about this message.
Checking the logs, I get this:

||| Unknown charge type: authorizenet  |||

My configuration is:
1) the perl module Net::SSLeay installed
 2) The line "Require module Vend::Payment::AuthorizeNet" in interchange.cfg
 3) MV_PAYMENT_MODE set to "authorizenet"
 4) MV_PAYMENT_ID set to my client's Authorize.Net user ID
 5) MV_PAYMENT_SECRET set to my client's Authorize.Net password

In fact, I've even configured the alternative variables as well, to see if
it matters (this is pasted directly from the pref_group=Payment table in the
AUTHNET_ID *client's ID* Payment
AUTHNET_MODE custom authorizenet Payment
AUTHNET_REFERER  Payment <==left this blank as recommended in so many posts.
AUTHNET_SECRET *client's authnet password* Payment
AUTHNET_SERVER secure.rtware.net/gateway/transact.dll Payment <==this
address was in the authnet docs
MV_PAYMENT_ID *client's ID* Payment
MV_PAYMENT_MODE authorizenet Payment
MV_PAYMENT_REFERER  Payment <==left this blank as recommended in so many
MV_PAYMENT_SECRET *client's authnet password* Payment
MV_PAYMENT_SERVER <==left this blank

As I said in a previous post, the third party Authnet rep (rtware.net)
hasn't had any experience with Interchange, so is relatively useless for
support.  AuthorizeNet itself has not answered an Email inquiry as of yet,
but it's only been a couple of weeks.

I've followed the Interchange directions to the letter.  There must be some
little thing I am overlooking, or something I don't see because it's right
in front of me  : - ).

The AuthorizeNet merchant account cost over a thousand bucks, which I
included as part of my design fee.  If I can't get it to work, I'll have to
spend another chunk of change from my own piggy bank for a different
Merchant Account.

The interchange.cfg file is configured properly, the catalog.cfg file is
configured properly.  The only thing I can't be sure of is:
1)  whether the authorizenet settings are configured properly ( I believe
they are)
2)  whether I need to be posting from https even though I'm in the test
mode.  I haven't yet installed an SSL certificate for this domain.

Again, thank you all for your recommendations of alternative payment
gateways.  It may be my only option.

Most gratefully,
Michael G.

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