[ic] Image Size Usertag

Danilo kosmo at trslab.it
Wed Sep 17 13:30:30 EDT 2003

I've added the Image Size Usertag qo my catalog.cfg, and I've installed 
the latest ImageSize perl library (Image-Size-2.992.tar.gz) but when I 
restart IC I get this error
Configuring catalog ab...Using MySQL, DSN=dbi:mysql:ab...UserTag 
'image_size' subroutine failed safe check: require trapped by operation 
mask at (eval 138) line 2, <CONFIG> line 29.

In line 29 of the configuration file 'etc/imagesize.usertag':
UserTag image_size Routine <<EOR

Anyone can help me to solve this problem?

I'll continue to look but I'll appreciate any help.

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