[ic] tracking code question

Christopher Wenham cwenham at synesmedia.com
Wed May 26 16:50:29 EDT 2004

On Wednesday 26 May 2004 15:45, Mark Weaver wrote:
> >  In etc/receipt.html
> >
> > Regards,
> Hi Christopher,
> That doesn't seem to be working. I've got this tracking code in
> literally a ton of pages that are being tracked including the index page
> of interchange and I'm getting good tracking data from the program,
> however it doesn't appear to work when placed on the receipt page. Any
> ideas as to why?

 That thar them's the receipt page. Unless you changed your catalog 
configuration to generate the receipt from somewhere other than 
etc/receipt.html, then what's in there is what gets delivered to the browser.

 Maybe your browser isn't loading the image because it's not configured to 
load a resource from a server other than the one it's currently on when in 
secure mode.

Chris Wenham - Synesmedia, Inc.
516-620-4110 / 1-888-255-7573

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