[ic] IC 5.6.0 error messages

Andrew Rich andrew at itdownunder.com.au
Sun Jun 29 05:50:51 UTC 2008

 >Just upgraded to the latest IC distribution
 >Since that time I get many errors like below in the error.log
 >Safe: Can't locate object method "default_charset" via package 
"Vend::CharSet" (perhaps you forgot to load "Vend::CharSet"?) at 
/usr/local/interchange/lib/Vend/Server.pm line 542.
 >Am I missing something

I  have the same problem as Ton.  I have deleted the original thread 
messages so have started another!

Upgraded to IC 5.6.0 and have noticed these errors in error log.  Our 
orders are also down considerably also. r4V7qBP7: - [29/June/2008:06:22:30 +1000] 
mapshop /cgi-bin/mapshop/member/service.html Safe: Can't locate object 
method "default_charset" via package "Vend::CharSet" (perhaps you forgot 
to load "Vend::CharSet"?) at /usr/local/interchange/lib/Vend/Server.pm 
line 542.
 $Variable->{MV_DHTML_BROWSER} ||= 
 $Scratch->{dhtml_browser} = > $Session->{browser} =~ 
 if($Scratch->{members_only} and ! $Session->{logged_in}) {
 $Scratch->{mv_successpage} = $Tag->var('MV_PAGE', 1);
 $Tag->deliver({ location => $Tag->area('login')});

Has anyone had any luck working this one out yet.

andrew at mapsdownunder.com.au

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