[ic] logged in case insensitivity issue - current Standard

Paul Jordan paul at gishnetwork.com
Sat Dec 12 04:35:29 UTC 2009

> It appears that as standard ships, a customer login is not case sensitive.
> However, in order to access their order history (detail page), there is a 
> username comparison to validate the user, it's on query/order_detail.html. 
> The comparison IS case sensitive, so for example, if someone logs in as 
> LAdams, instead of ladams, or something more likely - to issue a return as 
> u01234, instead of U01234, they'll be met with an user violation error 
> when wanting to see the detail of their past orders.

query/order_return.html as well. I just grepped for 'test_user' and only 
those two pages came up.


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