[ic] Variable in shipping display name

Paul Jordan paul at gishnetwork.com
Tue Feb 15 19:15:01 UTC 2011

> Andy be saying.....
> Is there anyway to display a variable in the shipping description using an
> either/or in shipping.asc? I've tried this but it just prints the tags as
> the shipping description. I want the shipping to read either "2-3 days" or
> whatever I have set "shipmessage" to:-
> ups_ground: UPS Ground [either]2-3 days[or][var shipmessage][/either]
> criteria weight
> min 1
> max 10
> cost e Can not ship item by UPS Ground.

Andy, there is a p_time parameter for a shipping method, and this is how I use it:

ups_ground: UPS Ground

   criteria weight
   p_time   5 to 7 days
   min      1
   max      10
   cost     e Can not ship item by UPS Ground.

You can access that in the shipping iteration and format it as you wish. I do not know if p_time supports ITL... it may? Anyways, you could always make two similar shipping methods, then use perl in your criteria to rule the first one out if your shipmessage exists.

Also, in your example your either/or is backwards.


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