[ic] [item-sub] - how to use [item-quantity] inside it?

Luiz Carlos Maciel Junior lmacieljr at mknet.com.br
Thu Oct 17 17:16:56 UTC 2019


We need to improve the load speed of the basket and checkout pages from 
our stores because the carts of our customers have an average of 60 
different products and, also, we have a specific situation of 4 diferent 
price levels per product according to a matrix customer x product. The 
price and the discount area from interchange works for 2 of the prices, 
but for the other 2 we calculate it in on-the-fly.

We are moving the calcs from [item-calc] to [item-sub] tag as it gives 
us an average of 60% reduction in load/processing the basket and 
checkout, according to [benchmark].

Inside the [item-sub] we need to use the code and quantity of the item 
(from the cart) and a value from a scratch variable.

This is the calculation we do today in basket.html (very slow, but works):

[tmp desconto]0.8375[/tmp]    <-- hypothetical value, just for example, 
changes for each customer
Price per unit: [currency][item-calc][item-price noformat] * 
Subtotal      : [currency][item-calc]([item-price noformat] * 
$Tag->scratch('desconto')) * [item-quantity][/item-calc][/currency]


We moved it to [item-sub] this way in basket.html (very fast, but works 

[tmp desconto]0.8375[/tmp] <-- hypothetical value, just for example, 
changes for each customer

[item-sub preco_unit_esp]
     my $code = shift;
     my $priceitem = $Tag->currency( { convert => 1 }, $Tag->price( { 
code => $code, noformat => 1, interpolate => 1 } ) * 
$Tag->scratch('desconto') );
     return $priceitem

[item-sub subtotal_esp]
     my $code = shift;
     my $qt = $item->{quantity};
     my $subtotalitem = $Tag->currency( { convert => 1 }, $Tag->price( { 
code => $code, noformat => 1, interpolate => 1 } ) * 
$Tag->scratch('desconto') * $qt );
     return $subtotalitem

Price per unit: [item-exec preco_unit_esp][item-code][/item-exec]
Subtotal      : [item-exec subtotal_esp][item-code][/item-exec]


The problem is that $qt does not work as expected, it does not return 
the quantity of the current item in the cart.

After digging Cart.pm, item_list.coretag and the list we saw a lot of 
options for getting the item code and quantity from the cart. Then, in 
the [item-sub] above we have tried this options:

1) my $code = shift;
2) my $code = $item->{code};
3) my $code = $Item->{code};
4) my $code = [item-code]; (with [item-sub subtotal_esp] and [item-sub 
subtotal_esp interpolate=1])
5) my $code = $Tag->scratch('cod'); (inside the item-list and before the 
item-sub we do a [tmp cod][item-code][/tmp])
6) my $code = "[item-code]";
7) my $code = $Item->[0]{code};
8) my $code = 2;

9) my $qt = shift;
10) my $qt = $item->{quantity};
11) my $qt = $Item->{quantity};
12) my $qt = [item-quantity];  (with [item-sub subtotal_esp] and 
[item-sub subtotal_esp interpolate=1])
13) my $qt = $Tag->scratch('qtde');  (inside the item-list and before 
the item-sub we do a [tmp qtde][item-quantity][/tmp])
14) my $qt = "[item-quantity]";
15) my $qt = $Item->[0]{quantity};
16) my $qt = 2;

And the results:

- 1 works perfectly for the code
- 2, 3, 4 and 5 "return $code" is either empty, ERROR or ARRAY??????
- 6 "return $code" is equal to the string "[item-code]"
- 7 works but as we typed the index "0" this gives us always the code 
for the first item in the cart and not the code for the current item 
listed (from 0 to n)
- 8 works but this is not a solution.

- 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 "return $qt" is either empty, ERROR or ARRAY??????
- 14 "return $qt" is equal to the string "[item-quantity]"
- 15 works but as we typed the index "0" this gives us always the 
quantity for the first item in the cart and not the quantity for the 
current item listed (from 0 to n)
- 16 works but this is not a solution.

Can somebody give me a light on how to make $qt return the current 
[item-quantity] on the situation above?


Best regards
Luiz Carlos Maciel Junior

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