[ic] Email tag / MIME:Lite

Phil Smith phil.smith at phil-home.com
Mon Oct 5 14:58:43 UTC 2020

-- snip -- 
> Everytime It gets to the call to create a new MIME message, interchange hangs until apache times out.
> I have tried the same code in a [perl] block and it does the same thing, but as a native perl script outside of Interchange it works fine.
> The [email] tag works fine for non-html email or emails with no attachments, because they do not use MIME.
-- snip --
>Hi Phil,
>Are you using the same To/From addresses in your test emails outside of interchange?  (I assume so, just trying to think >if there’s some way some sort of DNS issue is at play, as that’s my initial suspicion any time there are unexplained >network delays.)
>What versions of MIME::Lite/IC are you using?

Apologies if this email is formatted weird, my email client is messed up.

I have tried this on an old working install of IC and there its is fine, so I’m guessing there is now an incompatibility between IC/perl/MIME::lite?

My New server (hangs in IC) is Perl 5.20.2, MIME::Lite 3.031, IC 5.10.0

My old server (working fine) is Perl 5.8.8, MIMI::Lite 3.01, IC 5.7.2

As a standalone perl script the same code works fine on both servers, just when ran thru IC (in a [perl] block in a page, as a UserTag or in the test_code admin page) it hangs on the MIME::Lite->new() creation of the object.

Any more advice greatly received.


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