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[mv] Problem getting external form values

******    message to minivend-users from Matthew Nielsen <mnielsen@itransact.com>     ******

Hi all, long time caller, first time listener.

I have a slight problem on my hands;  I'm running MV 4.04 over Linux
(SuSE 6.4 x86) and Apache as the web server.  The payment system I'm
using is an external service, where the user is sent to the remote
systems secure server page to enter their credit card information, and
then send back to my minivend site tp complete the order.  In order to
maintain a seamless user session, the remote payment gateway posts back
to me several values like the session ID, user name, etc, so I can
complete the order (IE remove the items from their basket).

That having been said, the problem is that the MV page the Payment
gateway is posting to can't get any of the values.  I've tried using the
'[value f_name]', and even using embedded perl to get the data out, but
the minivend page in question doesn't seem to be 'hearing' the data that
is being posted back to it.  Can MiniVend Pages be posted to like normal
forms?  I'm pulling my hair out on this one.  Thanks, all.
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