[ic] Troubleshooting on the command line

Rich Bodo interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Tue Dec 17 06:06:00 2002

Hi there,

   I have interchange foundation demo working well.  I start it from
   the init scripts from the RPMs.  That works great.

   However, I was just playing around with interchange on the command
   line, which failed.  First, I tried:

   /etc/init.d/interchange stop
   su - interch
   /usr/lib/interchange/bin/interchange --DEBUG=1

   and interchange seems to start up in debug mode just fine, but does
   not serve pages or output anything interesting from that point on:

##### DEBUG MODE, running in foreground #####
Low traffic settings.
Calling UI......UI is loaded...
Interchange V4.8.6
Configuring catalog demo-foundationtools...Using PostgreSQL,
Interchange server started (10596) (UNIX)
Running in foreground, OS=linux, debug=1

   Actually, I do get the page that says "Sorry, the interchange
   server is unavailable", when I try to access the foundation demo.

   ps ax | grep interchange shows it running.

   The database and apache are both running, and I can use the init
   scripts to stop and restart interchange, which will revive it to
   normal operation.

   NOTE: I can run interchange in debug or non-debug modes on the command
   line with the same result.

   So I went through the debgging steps in the FAQ.  The following:

   /usr/lib/interchange/bin/interchange --SocketPerms=666

   starts interchange with the same unavailable status as command line

   I'm running Redhat 7.X, and I'm trying to start interchange as user
   interch in each case.

   Next I tried:
   chmod u+s /var/www/www.bogus.com/cgi-bin/*
   run interchange in debug mode: unavailable
   chmod u+s /var/www/www.bogus.com/cgi-bin/*
   run interchange in debug mode: unavailable

   So I have consistently failed to get it going on the command line
   and could use some advice.  Perhaps I missed or misinterpreted the
   FAQ.  Thanks in advance.


Rich Bodo | rsb@ostel.com | 650-964-4678